Vandhe Guruvaram



                         ,,HEY PRABHO YEH HAI TERAPANTH,,

,HISTORY OF JAIN TERAPANTH Jainism is the oldest living religion. It was originally founded by Bhagwan Rishaba in the pre-historical era. Rishabha was the first Jina hence he is often called  Adi-natha, the first lord.He is mentioned in most of the Hindu Puranas, Markandeya, Kurma, Vayu,Garuda, Brahmanda, Varaha, Linga, Vishnu, Skandha etc, He was the first Tirthankara (i.e. an omniscient founder), and was followed by 23 others. Bhagwan Mahavera who was the 24th and the last in the line gave shape to the present religion 2546 years ago. The birth of Lord Mahavera was in 599 B.C.in a royal family of Vaishali. Mahavera renounced the worldly life and became an austere ascetic, practicing the five great vows of Non-Violence, truth, non-stealing,continence, and non-acquisitiveness.

                                 FIVE GREAT VOWS ( MAHA-VARTAS) 

Philosophy of soul and Karma: Every living being is a soul , existing in the world from infinite time, passing through the cycles of birth and death. It is bound by Karma (a fine form of matter) through its own action of passion - attachment and aversion. Soul itself is the master of  its own fate, responsible for all its action - good or otherwise . Jainism does not accept creationism.

Non-Violence and Non-possessiveness: The practice of religion consist in the renunciation of two deadly sins of humanity - the aggressive urge and the possessive urge - through Non- violence and Non- possessiveness respectively. The basic principles leading to this two are -(1) all souls are equal to one’s own soul ; (2) limitless desires and possessions vitiate one’s attitude and behavior.

Non-absolutism (Anekantvada): It asserts that infinite twin qualities of opposite nature such as , permanence and change , identity and difference exist in each and every substance. Therefore Truth is multifaceted . All statements contain relative truth. To comprehend the complete truth , one has to take into consideration the different aspects of a thing /even from different points of view.

TERAPANTH-Terapanth is a religious sect under Swetembar Jain. The terapanthi sub-sect is derived from the Sthanakvasi; section. The Terapanthi sub-sect was founded by Swami Bhikkanaji Maharaj. Swami Bhikkanaji was formerly a Sthanakvasi saint and had initiation from his Guru, by name Acharya Raghunatha. Swami Bhikkanaji had differences with his Guru on several aspects of religious practices of Sthanakvasi ascetics  It was Founded by Acharya Bhikshu in Vikram Sambat 1817 i.e. June 28th of 1760 ( Saturday ) at KELWA (a small town in Udaipur District of Rajasthan State ).This sect is entirely based upon the Ideology  of Jain .

तेरापंथ के प्रवर्तक आचार्य भिक्षु श्रमण परंपरा के महान संवाहक थे। उनका जन्म वि. स. १७८३ आषाढ़ शुक्ला त्रयोदच्ची को कंटालिया (मारवाड़) में हुआ। उनके पिता का नाम शाह बल्लुजी तथा माता का नाम दींपा बाई था। उनकी जाति ओसवाल तथा वंच्च सकलेचा था। आचार्य भिक्षु का जन्म-नाम भीखण था। प्रारंभ से ही वे असाधारण प्रतिभा के धनी थे। As Acharya Bh1kkanaji laid stress on the 13 religious principles, namely, (i) five Mahavratas (great vows), (ii) five samitis(regulations) and (iii) three Guptis (controls or restraints), his sub-sect was known as the Tera (meaning thirteen)-pantha sub-sect. In this connection it is interesting to note that two other interpretations have been given for the use of the term Terapantha for the sub-sect. According to one account, it is mentioned that as there were only 13 monks and 13 laymen in the pantha when it was founded, it was called as Tera (meaning thirteen) -pantha. Sometimes another interpretation of the term Terapantha is given by its followers. Tera means yours and pantha means path; in other words, it means, "Oh! Lord  it is Your Panth                   HAI PRABHOO YEH TERA_PANTH

This practice of regulating the entire Pantha by one Acharya only has become a characteristic feature of the Terapantha and an example for emulation by other Panthas. It is noteworthy that all monks and nuns of the Terapantha scrupulously follow the orders of their Acharya, preach under his guidance and carry out all religious activities in accordance with his instructions. Further, the Terapantha regularly observes a remarkable festival known as Maryada Mahotasava. This distinctive festival is celebrated every year on the 7th day of the bright half of the month of Magha when all ascetics and lay disciples,

Sädhus (monks) and Sädhvis (nuns) are people who have voluntarily given up their household lives and worldly affairs and have accepted the five major vows to uplift their souls on the spiritual path. They strictly follow the rules laid down for them. Shrävaks and shrävikas, on the other hand, continue to lead worldly lives. They may observe in full or to a limited extent, twelve minor vows laid down for them.

Terapanth is  non-idolatrous and are very finely organized under the complete direction of one Acharya, that is, religious Supreme . In its history of little more than 200 years, the Terapantha had a succession of only 10 Acharyas from the founder Acharya Bhikkanaji as the First Acharya to the present  At present Acharya Mahapragya is the supreme head . He is the Tenth Acharya of Terapanth religious sect comprising more than 850 monks , nuns, samans and samanis( a new rank between the ascetic and the lay - followers ) following critical codes of disciplines, and millions of followers all over the world.

Acharya Shri Jeetmalji the fourth Acharya of the Terapanth Sect was a genius in the Jain tradition. In all his creative work he will end with his nick name Jaya. He was born on the fourteenth day of the bright Lunar month of asvin Vikram Samvat 1860 His father & mother were named Adinaji and Kalliji respectively. He was by subcaste Golcha Oswal. He decided to get himself initiated into the asceticism as an early of seven years.तेरापंथ के चतुर्थ आचार्य श्री जीतमलजी जैन परामपरा में एक महान प्रतिभाच्चाली आचार्य हुए है। उन्होंने अपनी कृतियों में अपना उपनाम जय रखा। इसलिए वे जयाचार्य के नाम से ही अधिक विख्यात है। उनका जन्म मारवाड के रोयट ग्राम में वि.स. १८६० आच्च्िवन शुक्ला चर्तुदच्ची को हुआ। उनके पिता का नाम आईदानजी तथा माता का नाम कल्लूजी था। वे ओसवाल जाति के गोलछा गोत्र के थे। जयाचार्य जब सात वर्ष के थे, तभी उन्होंने दीक्षित होने का निच्च्चय कर लिया। जयाचार्य की दीक्षा आचार्य भारमलजी के आदेच्च से युवाचार्य रायचन्दजी के द्वारा जयपुर में सम्पन्न हुई । दीक्षा दिन वि.स. १८६९ माद्य कृष्णा सप्तमी है। इस समय जयाचर्या दसवें वर्ष में प्रवेच्च कर चुके थे।     

All Acharayas of Terapanth
(All Dates according to the respective Acharyaships)

Acharya Bhikshu(1760-1803)

Acharya bharimal (1803-1821)

Acharya Raichand (1821-1851)

Acharya Jeetmal   (1851-1881)

Acharya Maghraj (1881-1892)

Acharya Manaklal (1892-1897

Acharya Dalchand(1897-1909) 

Acharya Kalugani  (1909-1936

Acharya Tulsi(1936-1996)

Acharya Mahapragya(1996-2010

Presently  : Acharya Mahashraman (from-2010)


Acharya Bhikshu    (1760-1803) - 56 Nuns

Acharya Vharimal  (1803-1821) -44 Nuns

Acharya Raichand (1821-1851) - 168 Nuns

Acharya Jeetmal   (1851-1881) -224 Nuns

Acharya Maghraj (1881-1892) - 83 Nuns

Acharya Manaklal  (1892-1897)-25 Nuns

Acharya Dalchand  (1897-1909)  -125 Nuns

Acharya Kalugani  (1909-1936)-255 Nuns

Acharya Tulsi   (1936-1996) - 617 Nuns    Acharya mahapragya-------------------

Acharya mahashraman.........

 This responsibility were carried out by Acharya's preferred nuns. Sadhvi Barjujee were looking this job during Acharya Bikshu administration, Sadhvi Hiranjee were during Acharya Bharimaljee , Sadhvi Dipanjee during Acharya Raichandjee.

4th Acharya Shree Jeetmaljee has set-up a custom for Leadership for nuns called as "Sadhvi Parmukha". As nuns were increasing hence it was required to maintain deiscpline . The 1st Sadhvi Parmukha Sardarajee appointed by Acharya Shree Jeetmaljee in V. S. 1910. Then after  total seven Sadhvi Parmukha including present Parmukha Sadhvi Kanak Prbhajee. At the time terapanth foundation there was only 13 monks and no nuns. In V.S. 1821 three women approach to Acharya Bikshu for Diksha and qualified. Since there was no nuns before and as per rules minimum three   nuns required to stay . In case one nuns change her mind how to face such situation. Hence Acharya bikshu asked all three women in case such think take place then remain two need to go for fasting till death known as Santhara - Salekhana. All three women taken diksha  V.S. 1821 and these are namely Sadhivi Kusalanjee , Sadhivi Matatujee, Sadhivi Ajabujee. Credit go to Sadhiv's for 1st Women diksha after the 13 terapanth founder monks. Monks further added in V.S. 1822.

Sadhivi Kusalanjee was leader of remain two nuns as like Monk Thirpaljee was leader for 11 monks and all are under umbrella of Acharya Bikshu. From V.S. 1821 to Till Administration of Acharya Tulsee total 1597 women become true terapanth till third,TABLE AS UNDER                     

Sadhvi Parmukha Sardrajee V.S. 1910-1927

Sadhvi Parmukha Gulabajee V.S. 1927-1942

Sadhvi Parmukha Navlajee V.S. 1942 - 1954

Sadhvi Parmukha Jethanjee V.S. 1954 - 1981

Sadhvi Parmukha Kankuvarjee V.S. 1981 - 1993

Sadhvi Parmukha Jamkujee V.S. 1993 - 2003

Sadhvi Parmukha Landajee V.S. 2003 - 2027

Sadhvi Parmukha Kanakprbhajee V.S. 2028- till date

                             युगप्रधान आचार्य श्री तुलसी इस युग के क्रान्तिकारी आचार्यों में एक हैं। जैम धर्म को जन धर्म के रूप में व्यापकता प्रदान करने में उनकी महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका रही है। वे तेरापंथ धर्मयंग के नौवें आचार्य हैं।

आचार्य श्री तुलसी का जन्म वि.सं.१९७१ कार्तिक ‘षुक्ला द्वितीया को लाडनूं (राजस्थान) में हुआ। उनके पिता का नाम झूमरमलजी रवटेड एवं माता का नाम वदनांजी था। नौ भाई बहनोंमें उनका आठवां स्थान है। प्रारम्भ से ही वे एक होनहार व्यक्तित्व के धनी हैं।

    वि.स.१९८२ पौषकृष्णा पंचमी को लाडनूं में ग्यारह वर्ष की अवस्था में पूज्य कालूगणी के करकमलों से उनका दीक्षा-संस्कार सम्पन्न हुआ। ग्यारह वर्ष तक गुरू की पावन सन्निधि में रहकर मुनि तुलसी ने शिक्षा एवं साधना की दृष्टि से अपने व्यक्तित्व को बहुमुखी विकास दिया। हिन्दी, संस्कृत, प्राकृत भाषाओं का तथा व्याकरण, कोश, साहित्य, दर्शन, एवं जैनागमों का तलस्पर्शी अध्ययन किया। लगभग बीस हजार श्लोक परिणाम रचनाओं को कण्ठग्र कर लेना उनकी प्रखर प्रतिभा का परिचय है।

    संयम जीवन का निर्मल साधना, विवेक-सोष्ठव, आगमों का तलस्पर्शी अध्ययन, बहुश्रुतता, सहनशीलता, गंभीरता, धीरता, अप्रमतता, अनुशासननिष्ठा आदि विविध विशेषताओं से प्रभावित होकर अष्टमाचार्य पूज्य कालूगणी ने   वि.स. १९९३ भाद्रपद शुक्ला तृतीया को गंगापुर में उन्हें अपने उतराधिकारी के रूप में मनोनीत किया।   Guru Dev Tulsi who is now no more was magnanimous in life and glorious in death. He lives for ever in the hearts and minds of millions of people for whose mental, emotional, and spiritual upliftment he worked all through his life. He was borned in 1914 at Ladnun (a small town in Nagaur District of Rajasthan). Right from his early childhood he exhibited brilliant qualities of head and heart giving indications of his greatness to be and his spiritual inclinations.  He renounced the material world and became a recluse at the tender age of 11years and showed promise to this difficult path with remarkable dedication . He thus rose in the saintly order to the highest seat in Terapanthi order of saints .The young saint Tulsi surpassed all estimates being made about him by the keen observers of the society . This young talent through his dynamism and sense of purpose , captured the attention of his Guru Shri Kalugani who nominated him to be his successor and he actually succeeded to his seat at the young age of 22 years . He thus had the credit to be the youngest of the eight Acharya’s who preceded him.

Acharya Shri Tulsi was a great visionary and conceived many innovative programmes and schemes to uplift the mental, moral and emotional status of his disciples and the entire population at large . He had the unique quality to translate his vision into actual practice . Rastrapita Mahatma Gandhi is the only other name which captures our imagination in this context . Acharya Tulsi showed great dynamism in conceiving and forth-rightly implementing the Anuvrat Movement for moral regeneration of the nation. The five principles of Anuvrat (brief resolves for leading an upright life) i.e. Satya, Ahimsa, Aparigraha, Achaurya and Brahmacharya became the five pillars of this movement for adoption in real life by individuals. This movement made a good headway through the teaching of his disciple saints , the foremost among them being Acharya Mahaprajna , the present head of the Terapanth sect This awakened the nation to a new moral code and cleansed the personal life of a large multitudes of the people giving them a sense of confidence and a direction for a purposeful upright living.

Gurudev Tulsi took up another gigantic task of editing the age old Jain ‘Agamas’-(shastras) which constitute the canonical literature of the Jain’s. In this trend he and his chosen disciples undertook research in depth on this ‘Shastras’ and discovered the ancient Jaina Technique of Meditation which he named as ‘Preksha dhyana’ This system of Jain Meditation was so well developed under his and Acharya Mahaprajna’s spiritual guidance that it completely revolutionised the Meditation techniques so far practised by the Jain Saints.

Besides controlling and administering a saintly order of nearly 800 monks,nuns, samans andsamanis. Acharya Tulsi was seriously absorbed in thinking about the future of the nation . His main concern in this regard was the education of our children and young men -the real citizen of tomorrow. After a deep probe into the contents and methodology of present day educational system Gurudev and Acharya Shri Mahaprajna discovered some serious loopholes which needed to be plugged to make it really effective and useful.

  Acharya Tulsi
  Acharya Tulsi, the Jain guru and founder of the Anuvrat hailed from a devout family of Jain traders in Ladnun. He born on October, 20,  1914 in Ladnun, Rajasthan, India. Acharya Tulsi  was a an ascetic. Acharya Tulsi  became a monk in Sam.1982 and an Acharya of the Terapanth sect in Sam. 1993. He initiated more than 776 monks/nuns. He has been an accomplished poet, author of over a 100 books, as well as a distinguished religious leader. 
He was  the founder of the Anuvrata and the Jain Vishva Bharti Institute, Ladnun. He is also called "Ganadhipati Anuvart Anusastha Acharya Shree tulsi."  He started his Anuvrata movement in Sam. 2005. He has been a proponent of Jain unity regardless of the sectarian differences. His message was not just for the jains but for the entire humanity. Acharya Tulsi passage of 84 years and 62,000 miles on foot, came to an end on June 23, 1997. 
  Dr. Radhakrishnan in his "Living with Purpose" included him in the world's 15 great persons. He was given the title "Yuga-Pradhan" in a function officiated by President V.V. Giri in 1971. 
  Acharya Sri has given a new form to religion. In this scientific age, there is need of such a religion which can offer a solution to such a mental tension originating from a materialistic outlook, a religion which can make people experience a joy not to be got from material objects, and which can awaken in men the consciousness of morality. Acharya Sri recognised the need of the age and presented Anuvrat and preksha Meditation for its fulfillment. This is a religious revolution which is quite capable of maintaining its identity even in an age of economic and political revolutions.
  The five principles of Anuvrat i.e.Truth, Non Violence, Non Possession, Non-stealing and Celibacy became the five pillars of this movement for transforming the real life of individuals. The ANUVRAT MOVEMENT launched by Late  Acharya Tulsi in 1949 has since inspired millions of people to practice purity and self-discipline in personal life. The ultimate aim of the Movement is to create a nonviolent socio-political world order with the help of a world wide network of self-transformed people. This movement made a good headway through the teaching of his disciple saints and still continue under the leadership of Acharya Mahaprajna. Anuvrat Movement raised its voice in the following words:
Dharma is not merely an instrument of ensuring happiness in the hereafter but it is also a means to bring happiness to the present life. Who was fails to make his present life better is unlikely to achieve happiness in the hereafter. The primary aims of dharma is to purify character. Its ritualistic  practices are secondary. 
  A large number of institutions are working under the spiritual leadership of the Anvrat Anushasta, among which are the Akhil Bharatiya Anuvrat Samiti, Anuvmt Vishva Bhamti, Jai Tulsi Foundation,  Jain Vishva Bharti Institute  Ladnun, Tempanth Mahasabha, Adarsh Sahitya Sangh, Akhil Bharatiya Terapanth Yuvak Parishad, Akhil Bharatiya Terapanth Mahila Mandal. They are dedicated to upholding the Anuvrat Anushasta's message of love, non-violence and peace and undertaking activities related thereto. 


1.     Nikaya Sachiva (Chief Secretary of Terapanth). Acharya Shri Tulsi nominated him (Muni Nath Mal) as the Nikaya Sachiva of Terapanth in 1965 at Hissar, (Haryana).
2.     Mahaprajna ( A Great Seer). Acharya Shri Tulsi conferred on him the epithet of "Mahaprajna " (A Great Seer) in recognition of his outstanding wisdom and erudition in 1978 at Gangasahar, (Rajasthan).
3.     Nomination as " Successor-designate"(Yuvacharya). Acharya Shri Tulsi nominated him (Muni Nath Mal) as his successor- designate (Yuvacharya) on 4th February 1979, at Rajaldesar, (Rajasthan) and changed his name to "Mahaprajna" .Then onwards he became known as "Yuvacharya Mahaprajna"
4.     Jain-Yoga-Punruddharak (Resurrector of Jain Yoga). Acharya Shri Tulsi conferred on him the epithet of "Jain-Yoga- Punaruddharaka" in recognition of his unique researches in the field of Jain Meditation and Yoga.
5.     Nomination as "Acharya".

ACHARYA MAHAPRAGYA-A man with Intuitive Sight and Effective Non-Voilent Actions, Striving for Universal and AmThe Meaning of Mahaprajna (spoken: Mahapragya) is "Highly knowledgeable". Acharya Mahapragyaji - often described as "A Living Legend" is not merely a person but also a purpose, not just a being but also a belief. He is that perception that cannot be bound by time or territory. Thought’s churned out from the depths of his meditation are lasting and effective. He dispelled many myths about the religion and its rites and rituals. He said, "The religion which does not bring about a change in man’s life, which does not impart peace to him, deserves to be thrown in the river Ganges rather than carried on as a burden on one’s shoulders. Rituals or idol worship alone are not enough unless one’s conduct also gets transformed. Unless one is righteous and honest, both to himself and others, and leads a value oriented life, he is not religious despite his proclamation". He is an erudite scholar of Jain Agamas , a reputed critic of Indian and western philosophy, a coordinator of science and spiritualism and a sincere disciple of Acharya Tulsiji.His outstanding intelligence is a matter of surprise even for the intelligentsia. He is a treasure house of infinite knowledge . This is why he is popularly known as a ‘mobile encyclopaedia’. The eminent poet Ramdhari Singh Dinkar used to designate him as the ‘second Vivekananda of India’. While adding lustre, prestige and glow to the ‘Terapanth’ sect he has also served as a beacon of human mind engulfed in countless problems. His experiments on Preksha Dhyana (Perceptive meditation) and ‘Jeevan Vigyan’ (Science of Living) have succeeded in bringing people of different religions sect or castes on one platform and to integrate the west with the east. Besides being a philosopher-thinker lost in philosophy he is also a sensitive poet. His verses both in Hindi and Sanskrit , reveal his subtle delicate feelings. As a poet , it is difficult to categorise him into a type. Is he a poet of torrential waves of ecstasy or renunciation , a singer of the nature’s beauty or its monstrosity or of the man in clutches of machine, mechanization or machinations nobody can tell. Sambodhi, Ashruvina, Mukulam (in Sanskrit) and Rishabhayana (in Hindi) are some of the literary jewels contributed by him to the world of literature. This noble soul and great thinker was born in 1921 at Tamkor , a small village in the Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan ( India) . At the tender age of 10 years he became a monk . Under the able guidance of Acharay Shree Tulsi , he got his education and proved himself as an ardent disciple. A study of History , Philosophy , Logic, Grammar etc. made the foundations of his knowledge strong and secure. He also made an in-depth study of Modern Physics and Bio-Ssciences, Ayurved ( Indian system of medicine) Politics, Economics, and Sociology with the modern trends of communism, socialism and capitalism. He became a leader of all the senior and talented saints of Jainism. On several occasions he was honored in recognition of his extraordinary scholarship and outstanding contribution in organizational affairs. At the age of 59 he was appointed the successor - designated by Acharya Shree Tulsi. DIED MAY 2010 AT SARDARSHAHAR    आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ का जन्म वि.स. १९७७ आषाढ़ कृष्णा त्रयोदशी को टमकोर (राजस्थान) के चोरड़िया परिवार में हुआ। उनके पिता का नाम श्री तोलारामजी एवं माता का नाम बालूजी था। युवाचार्यश्री का जन्म नाम नथमल था। जब वे बहुत छोटे थे, तभी पिता का साया उनके सिर से उठ गया था। माता बालूजी धार्मिक प्रकृति की महिला थीं। उनकी धार्मिक वृतियों से बालक की धार्मिक चेतना उद्बुद्ध हुई। माता और पुत्र दोनों ही संयम-पथ पर बढ़ने के लिए समुत्सुक हुए।
    वि.स. १९८७ माघ शुक्ला दसमी को सरदारशहर में बालक नथमल ने अपनी माता के साथ पूज्य कालूगणी से दीक्षा ग्रहण की। उस समय उनकी आयु मात्र दस वर्ष की थी। संयमी जीवन में उनकी पहचान मुनि नथमल के रूप में होने लगी।
    मुनि नथमल अपनी सौम्य आकृति एवं सरल स्वभाव के कारण सबके प्रिय बन गए। पूज्य कालूगणी का उन पर असीम वात्सल्य था। कालूगणी के निर्देश से उन्हें विद्या-गुरू के रूप में मुनि तुलसी (आचार्य तुलसी) की सन्निधी मिली। मुनि नथमल की आशुग्राही मेधा विविध विषायों का ज्ञान करने में सक्षम हुई। दर्शन, न्याय, व्याकरण, कोष, मनोविज्ञान, ज्योतिष, आयुर्वेद आदि शायद ही कोई ऐसा विषय हो,जो उनकी प्रज्ञा की पकड़ से अछुता रहा हो। जैनागमों के गन्भीर अध्ययन के साथ साथ उन्होंने भारतीय एवं भारतीयेतर सभी दर्शनों का तलस्पर्शी एवं तुलनात्मक अध्ययन किया है। संस्कृत, प्राकृत एवं हिन्दी भाषा पर उनका पूर्ण अधिकार है। वे संस्कृत भाषा के सफल आशुकवि है। राष्ट्रकवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर के शब्दों में - वे दूसरे विवेकानन्द हैं।
    वि.स. २०२२ माद्य शुक्ला सप्तमी को हिसार (हरियाणा) में आचार्यश्री तुलसी ने उन्हें निकाय-सचिव के गरिमामय पद पर विभुषित किया। वि.स. २०३४ कार्तिक शुक्ला त्रयोदशी, गंगाशहर में आचार्यश्री तुलसी ने उन्हें महाप्रज्ञ की उपाधि से अंलकृत किया। महाप्रज्ञ की उपाधि से अंलकृत करते समय आचार्यश्री तुलसी ने कहा - मुनि नथमल की अपूर्व सेवाओं के प्रति समूचा तेरापंथ संघ कृतज्ञता ज्ञापित करता है। यह महाप्रज्ञ अलंकार उस कृतज्ञता की स्मृति मात्र है।
    वि.स. २०३५ राजलदेसर (राजस्थान) मर्यादा महोत्सव के अवसर पर आचार्यश्री तुलसी ने अपने उतराधिकारी के रूप में उनकी घोषणा की। वि.स. २०५० सुजानगढ़ मर्यादा महोत्सव के ऐतिहासिक समारोह के मध्य आचार्यश्री तुलसी ने अपनी सक्षम उपस्थिति में अपने आचार्यपद का विर्सजन कर युवाचार्य महाप्रज्ञ को आचार्य पद पर प्रतिष्ठित कर दिया।
    यह कहने में कोई अतिशयोक्ति नहीं होगी कि आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ को आचार्यश्री तुलसी जैसे समर्थ गुरु मिले तो आचार्यश्री तुलसी को आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ जैसे समर्पित शिष्य एवं योग्य उतराधिकारी मिले। विश्व क्षितिज पर आचार्यश्री तुलसी और आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ जैसी आध्यात्मिक विभूतियां गुरु शिष्य के रूप में शताब्दियों के बाद प्रकट होती है।
    आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ आचार्यश्री तुलसी के हर आयाम में और हर कदम पर अनन्य सहयोगी रहे हैं। गुरु के प्रत्येक निर्देश को क्रियान्वित करने एवं उनके द्वारा प्रारंभ किए हुए कार्य को उत्कर्ष के बिन्दु तक पहूंचाने में वे सदा प्रस्तुत रहे है।
    आचार्यश्री तुलसी की वाणी महाप्रज्ञ के कण कण में क्षण क्षण प्रतिध्वनित होती है। तेरांपथ की प्रगति-यात्रा के हर आरोह अवरोह में आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ ने अपने गुरु श्री तुलसी के सधे हुए दुतगामी कदमो का सदा साथ निभाया है। यह कहना असंगत नहीं होगा कि तेरापंथ और आचार्य तुलसी को विश्व प्रतिष्ठित करने में आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ की भूमिका अनन्य रही है।
    आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ कुशल प्रवचनकार होने के साथ साथ एक महान्‌ लेखक, महान श्रुतधार, और महान साहित्कार हैं। उनकी सारस्वत वाणी से निकला हर शब्द साहित्य बन जाता है। उन्होंने विविध विषयों पर शताधिक ग्रन्थ लिखे हैं। प्रत्येक ग्रन्थ में उनका मौलिक चिन्तन प्रस्फुटित हुआ है। उनके ग्रन्थ जहां साहित्य जगत की अमूल्य धरोहर हैं, वहां मानवता की विशिष्ट सेवा है। आचार्यश्री तुलसी के वाचना प्रमुखत्व में जैनागमों के वेज्ञानिक विशलेषण के साथ आधुनिक सम्प्रदाय उनकी विलक्षण प्रतिभा का परिचायक है, अर्हत्‌ वाणी के प्रति महान समर्पण का सूचक है।
    शोध विद्वानों के लिए आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ एक विश्वकोष है। शायद ही कोई ऐसा विषय हो तो आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ के ज्ञानकोष्ठ में अवतरित न हुआ हो।
  ACHARYA MAHASHRAMAN- Glorious in Peace, Sharp in silence, humble in learning and speciality in simplicity is the brief introduction of  Acharya Shree Mahashraman previously known as Mahashraman Muni Mudit. He possesses an extraordinary genius and minute insight and intuition. Extreme gentleness and complete dedication are the important features of his singular personality, good administrator. Due to extraordinary characteristics Muni Mudit leaded many old monks in the Terapanth sect and became Mahashraman at the age of 28 years. He is like a gem with broad scientific and rational outlook. In 1997 at the age of 35 years he became the "Yuvacharya" successor designate to the present Acharya. He became Acharya on 9th May 2010 after the Mahaprayan of His Holiness Acharya Shri Mahapragya.  Padabhishek was held at Sardarshahar on 23rd May 2010.

This noble soul and great thinker was borned in 1962 at Sardarsahar, a small town in Rajasthan. At the age of 12 years he became a monk. Under the able guidance of Acharya Tulsi and Acharya Sri mahapragya, he got his education and proved himself as an ardent disciple. He possesses the qualities of a Scholar, writer, brilliant speaker, meditator and impressionable personality. He also guides the Youth wings of Terapanth morally and emotionally.

आचार्य श्री महाश्रमण मानवता के लिए समर्पित जैन तेरापंथ के उज्जवल भविष्य है। १३ मई १९६२, सरदारशहर (राजस्थान) में जन्में, सरदारशहर में ही ५ मई १९७४ को दीक्षित तथा प्राचीन गुरू परंपरा की श्रृंखला में आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ द्वारा अपने उतराधिकारी के रूप में मनोनीत युवाचार्य महाश्रमण विनम्रता की प्रतिमूर्ति है। अणुव्रत आंदोलन के प्रवर्तक आचार्य श्री तुलसी की उन्होंने अनन्य सेवा की। तुलसी-महाप्रज्ञ जैसे सक्षम महापुरूषों द्वारा वे तराछे गये है। १६ फरवरी १९८६, उदयपुर में महाप्रज्ञ के अंतरंग सहयोगी बन/ JAI ACHARYA MAHASHRAMAN

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